Our girls are brimming with potential, excitement, energy and creativity. They also have feelings of confusion, curiosity, and emotional overload. Their world is changing, and they’re trying to find their place in it – they’re no longer children, yet not quite adults.

Jewish tradition tells us that there is even more to this time than hormones and new schools. These girls have reached a point where their understanding of and relationship with G-d and Judaism has never been so critical. When she becomes a Bat Mitzvah, a girl’s soul is her own responsibility; this precious, vital treasure is soley in the hands of a 12-year old.

That’s where our leaders come in.

While the girls are at this crossroad, we yearn to show them the way. But the BMC doesn’t just take girls by the hand and lead them past the pubescent and moral landmines and hurdles. We know they deserve better than that. Rather, through fun activities and deep discussions, the girls discover for themselves the wisdom that will see them through this time and beyond.

The BMC is truly what our leaders make it – and we mean that literally. From control of how their club operates, to what the program costs them or Members, to the style and content of the meetings – it’s all up to our leaders. The materials compiled by the BMC can be used verbatim, partially or just as inspiration for their club.

Take a look at our eNewsletters for meeting ideas. It includes tips and tricks for running a BMC.

Interested in becoming a leader? We’d LOVE it! Register with us today and we’ll send the who, what, whens and whys of our passion.


The roles and responsibilities of BMC Leaders are largely up to them. Generally, BMC has two types of leaders:

Chapter Leaders:

Chapter Leaders are individuals who decide that their town, neighborhood, school, Chabad or community center could use a BMC program. Chapter Leaders purchase curriculum materials and BMC-branded items from the BMC main office, acquire and set the programming budget, negotiate or find meeting spaces, find suitable Club Leaders to run meetings and often handle administrative duties associated with the BMC (such as marketing, recruitment and communication).

Club Leaders:

Club Leaders are individuals who run the actual meetings and activities the BMC Members will participate in. Club Leaders are well-organized, outgoing, friendly, well-versed in Judaic law and culture and are inspired to make a difference with ‘tween girls. Sometimes, Chapter Leaders do double duty and act as Club Leaders – it’s their choice!